31 Days from Conceit to Complete
From Conceit to Complete. Taking our eyes off of ourselves and our selfishness and looking to become complete in Jesus. I'll walk you through one day at a time. I can't say it will be easy, but it will be worth it. I promise. Come inside...
Day One: Conceit
Day Two: Conversion
Day Three: Commit
Day Four: Communion
Day Five: Confession
Days Six and Seven: Conviction vs. Condemnation
Day Eight: Confidence
Day Nine: Convince
Day Ten: Compassion
Day Eleven: Chaos
Days 12-14: Compare
Day Fifteen: Convenience
Day Seventeen: Communication
Day Eighteen: Consider
Day Nineteen: Connect
Day Twenty: For those who still doubt, Convincing Part Deux
Day Twenty-One: au contraire mes amis
Day Twenty-Four: Compel
Day Twenty-Five: Connect
Day Twenty-Six: Continue
Day Twenty-Seven: Consult
Day Twenty-Eight: Conduct
Day Thirty: Commission
Day Thirty-One: Complete
This series is part of the #write31days challenge! See more 31 Days series here.