In three weeks, Jaiden has gone from not being able to tell us anything to being able to sign almost 20 words! Jaiden and Daddy working on her sign language cards everyday. I have a video of it but it is too large of a file to upload, so I will make a smaller one tomorrow. We have speech therapy this morning and I am looking forward to more suggestions to help her communicate. We are still not sure of why she is not talking. One website you can look at is This will give you an idea of what she is experiencing. She certainly has a high level of comprehension - for example if you name animals she can point to a picture of everyone of them - but she cannot say "cow" or "kitty", etc. She knows signs for: more, drink, milk, eat, please, cow, kitty, mouse, dog, cookie, pig, bubbles (her favorite!), bath, goodnight, light, etc. She can even put signs together like "more milk please" - she still can say "Chloe, Daddy, Mommy, no" that's about it for her speech. (Chloe is our dog.) John and I don't want you to worry - JaidenIlo is a gift from God. She will speak in her own way and in her own time. If you want to learn some signs, we are using ASL - American Sign Language. We bought a card set and book from and local libraries have them as well. I am not sure of a good website to use yet. This morning we went to Jaima's school. The second graders were in charge of the worship service - it was so cute! Jaima had to buy a new outfit last night at the mall. Thank goodness Aeropostale has clearance racks - it's her favorite store! Cody is being measured for his cap and gown today - graduation is right around the corner. We are trying to decide when to have his party - graduation is Memorial Day weekend. We also have Jaima's dance recital that week and our anniversary! The basement continues to be a challenge for us. Water is still flowing through the tile lines. But with this cold weather, the pump sometimes freezes up. I am not looking forward to the spring thaw! Dan is going to fix the tile lines around the house as soon as he can this spring, and then we won't have to worry about the yearly water problems. I bet in the ten years I have been here the basement has flooded 50 times - yep, about 5 times a year. Can you tell I am frustrated?


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Hi, dear niece,

Well, that's a lot to process. I have been reading up on CAS and I have to say, I have never heard of it. So glad their are experts to help. Love to talk with you by phone. Email me a good time to call you. Love to you all, Aunt Kay
Anonymous said…
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

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