I tried to start writing this post several times yesterday. But it was just one of those days. Everything was out of sorts. Thee Farm House was (and mostly still is) a complete disaster.
Thee day started off with me volunteering in the toddler room at our local MOPS. When I say toddler I mean 12-24 months. All 17 of them. So here I am in my babysitting clothes because I know it will be a hot, sweaty mess. All of the 20-something mommies come in and are all dressed up in their fancy pants. I'm not 20 something. Just in case you didn't know that.
I compare my child-rearing techniques to the ones their parents may or may not be using. I compare their fancy Prada diaper bags to my John Deere one. Their high heels to my flip flops. Their youth to my middle age.
And I begin for a moment to slip back into that dissatisfaction with my life. And that's a dangerous place to go.
I forget that I was once 20-something. Dressed all fancy. Swinging my fancy diaper bag. I only had one child then. I forget that I was so desperate to have some me time like these young mamas are.
When I compare myself to wordly things I will fail and end up feeling miserable. Every time. When I want what others have that means I'm coveting and that's a sin.
Dare I compare myself to Thee One who died for me? Thee One who says I must become more like Him and less like the world?
What would I gain if Jesus was my measuring stick? He is Thee Way, Thee Truth, Thee Life.
Prada does not give life or peace. High heels give me bunions. I can walk and serve just fine in my flip flops. (Please do not think I am going off on girls that are Fancy. I like Fancy.) Wanting a new whatever just makes me dissatisfied with Thee Blessings that are poured out before me.
What blessings are we missing when we constantly look at everyone else and not at our own reality. Sure it's taking focus off of ourselves which we are trying to learn to do, but it is so unhealthy. It steals our lives when we fall into Thee Comparison Trap.
Thee day started off with me volunteering in the toddler room at our local MOPS. When I say toddler I mean 12-24 months. All 17 of them. So here I am in my babysitting clothes because I know it will be a hot, sweaty mess. All of the 20-something mommies come in and are all dressed up in their fancy pants. I'm not 20 something. Just in case you didn't know that.
I compare my child-rearing techniques to the ones their parents may or may not be using. I compare their fancy Prada diaper bags to my John Deere one. Their high heels to my flip flops. Their youth to my middle age.
And I begin for a moment to slip back into that dissatisfaction with my life. And that's a dangerous place to go.
I forget that I was once 20-something. Dressed all fancy. Swinging my fancy diaper bag. I only had one child then. I forget that I was so desperate to have some me time like these young mamas are.
When I compare myself to wordly things I will fail and end up feeling miserable. Every time. When I want what others have that means I'm coveting and that's a sin.
Dare I compare myself to Thee One who died for me? Thee One who says I must become more like Him and less like the world?
What would I gain if Jesus was my measuring stick? He is Thee Way, Thee Truth, Thee Life.
Prada does not give life or peace. High heels give me bunions. I can walk and serve just fine in my flip flops. (Please do not think I am going off on girls that are Fancy. I like Fancy.) Wanting a new whatever just makes me dissatisfied with Thee Blessings that are poured out before me.
What blessings are we missing when we constantly look at everyone else and not at our own reality. Sure it's taking focus off of ourselves which we are trying to learn to do, but it is so unhealthy. It steals our lives when we fall into Thee Comparison Trap.
Count your blessings,
Name them one by one.
Count your blessings,
See what God has done.
Who are what are you comparing yourself to? Moms who you think are perfect? Her husband that seems to do and care so much more than yours does? The new house your friend is building? Her kids that were potty trained at 2 and yours is almost 4?
Today, take an honest look at your life. Count five blessings. If you see that she has dinner on the table every night and you seem to eat Mac and Don's Supper Club so much that the drive thru lady recognizes your voice then you best be googling some crock pot recipes. If you want to lose weight and be able to wear skinny jeans then start walking every day. If you want faith like hers then you better start reading your Bible and getting on your knees. Action not comparison.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,
Read the whole chapter of Ephesians 3:14-20 today - you will be so blessed. I promise.
Read the whole chapter of Ephesians 3:14-20 today - you will be so blessed. I promise.