Thank you, my friends, for reminding me of God's goodness and how much He has given us! The phone calls and messages were much appreciated! I don't know why I don't rely on ya'all more!

Today, Jaima stayed home "sick" from school. I think she has a case of the crankies and not the stomach flu! I don't feel so well myself - and Jaiden, well she must have caught the grumpy bug from her sister! We all had bubble baths today and are being lazy...except for running around after Jaiden picking up everything she gets out! That kid can run!

John is outside moving more snow. We had a nice talk over coffee this morning - that helped improve my mood. Sometimes we get so busy we forget to take time for each other. Cody will be home at 4 or so and then they will start chores and I will start supper - I have no idea what I am cooking but I am sure it will involve beef! LOL

All in all, it has been a great day. Even if I never left the house...sometimes those are the best days.


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