Jaiden Ilo Marie White
was born on October 17 at 2:21pm. She weighed 6lbs. 14.9oz and was 19 3/4" long. She came into this world very quickly! We just came home this morning and it feels good to be back on the farm!
Thank you to everyone who was praying for us. I delivered so quickly that there was no time for the pain medication/anesthesia to work. The only thing that got me through was knowing that it was all in God's hands. I praise Him that it was over quickly and that our beautiful baby girl was perfectly healthy!
Jaiden has two middle names - Ilo was John's grandmother's name and Marie is John's mom's middle name. Her initials spell JIM White - John's brother - we think it's an awesome name!
Jaima has "skipped" school the last two days to stay home and be a great big sister - she loves Jaiden so much and is a great helper! Cody is my strong silent son, but he loves both girls and would do anything for them.
John already knows that he is outnumbered!
I am nursing Jaiden every two hours and trying to sleep when she does. It's funny how much your forget about newborns!
call me if I can help!!!
hope you are sleeping well!!!