Saturday - Work Day!
Cody is downstairs in the basement painting the walls. We had to remove all of the wallpaper because of mold and water damage - and he painting KILZ on it. Tomorrow we will paint the second coat and also paint the concrete floors. I cleaned the kitchen down there and mopped - I will do the bathrooms tomorrow with the girls - they need to learn how to scrub toilets HAHAHAHAHAHA - Cody should be able to move down there by mid-week. We are also going to build him a "stage" for his guitar equipment - I will probably regret that because of the noise - but he only has a few years left at home and then I know I will miss his rockin' out.
Jaima and Jaclyn are painting, too - Jaima is loving it - and is actually the best painter of us all! Jaiden just put her hands on the walls and got paint all over herself and then cried because she didn't understand what happened!
Jaiden has not been herself the past few days - fever, lethargic, vomiting- teeth pain - and only wants to cuddle with her mommy and daddy - which we are loving, because usually she is so busy and won't let us hold her! - she is doing better this afternoon and is drinking and eating a little.
I am trying to watch IPTV - a quilting show - but this digital TV is terrible! It never comes in consistently - I might have to buy a better antennae.
John and Andrew are outside cleaning out a grain bin - then it's chore time - and I will throw something together for supper when I feel like it - lol -for now, I will watch this quilting show and wish I had asked Grandma Wagner how to quilt!