Jaiden and her new fish - she is eating Spaghettio's for breakfast- the ones that didn't fit in Jaima's thermos- wholesome - huh? John and I have never seen her eat so well - now that she's weaned! The bottle is empty - she likes to play with them.

Jaima and our first cucumber - it took until September for it to grow and we planted them before Memorial Day - crazy.

Pouring concrete out back -John, Jim, Dan and Ronnie.

If you are a Star Wars fan you will think that Chloe looks like an Ewok - she is such a great puppy! I love watching her chase the girls in the yard.

My hormone levels are returning to "normal" - and I am slowly emerging from my stupor - am feeling much better physically and mentally - and am enjoying seeing Jaiden respond to her world in a different way now - one not centered on nursing! lol


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