catching up...

I am so glad that warmer weather is here! I can go outside and sit in my John Deere chair, sip some lemonade and read! NOT like I have time for that!

Jaiden is seven months old now - I will post pictures as soon as I find my camera. I set it down the other day and haven't seen it since. Typical for me.

I continue to work on organizing cupboards, closets and shelves. I am getting rid of so much. It makes for less cleaning. Once school is out, the kids and I will tackle the basement. I haven't hardly touched it since we moved upstairs two years ago. I can't wait for the kids to be home - we are planning library day, swimming day, and other days to visit museums, the zoo and friends.

Cody finally got his drivers permit yesterday - he was so happy! Drivers ed starts this Thursday evening. We will eventually have to go at 6:30 am for the month of June. I think I will make John take him! I need my beauty sleep.

The boys are almost done planting beans. I laughed at John this morning while we were drinking our coffee. He said, "We sure could use some rain!" I said, "You farmers are never satisfied!" We both know that once the seed is planted it is all in God's hands. That's the miracle of farming. We run on diesel and prayer.


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