New equipment! Big changes are coming. This is a hay something or other - that grinds up haybales - a haygrinder perhaps HAHA It is the first piece of equipment for our new operation. We will be adding two new buildings in July to house custom fed cattle. I will keep up to date on this as we grow! I can't wait to get out there and do chores. It is hard with no one to watch Jaiden and she is too young to go to the barn. There isn't really a clean and safe place for her to be out there right now. I am hoping to get the office cleaned out. And this summer Cody can help with her, too. All in good time!
Happy Birthday, Gerben! John is holding Ian in the picture. Jaiden and I weren't able to attend the party because of ear infections and sore throats! Julie sent me home some of her yummy yogurt cake though and that made me feel much better!
John bought my John Deere chairs back at the church auction yesterday- it was a lovely day yesterday for a picnic and spending time with friends! Also, Jaiden is starting to crawl! I wasn't planning on child proofing the house this soon.
Let's see what else have I missed? Cody's grandparents came up from Des Moines on Saturday for a visit. They went out to dinner to celebrate his belated birthday and we made plans for a summer DesMoines visit - I promised Jaima we could go to the zoo.
Only 5 weeks left of school - I can't wait to have lots of time with my kids. I am sure by August I will be ready to send then back to school!


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