My girls

Abby, Jaima and Jaiden in my messy kitchen, making cookies and memories...

See, I've learned that it doesn't matter if you wait to do the dishes so you can play with your kids or read them a story, eventually they have to be washed, and will get done, but you can never get back that moment of togetherness. Of course, we could do the dishes together, but I am of the strong opinion that that is absolutely no fun at all.

And, I could have cropped and photoshopped this picture, but that wouldn't be keeping it real. So many times in blogland and Pinterest you see perfect pictures. Do you really believe that their counters stay clean ALL.THE.TIME? Or that their living rooms are so perfectly decorated and organized? Those are staged photos and they make us as women and moms feel like we don't have it all together. Well, girlie, I got news for you, you ain't perfect and you never will be this side of Heaven, so quit trying. Relax. Have a cup of tea. And enjoy life.

Or take a half hour and watch an amazing video from Billy Graham. There are three videos and I had forgotten how powerful Dr. Graham's messages are. They are not full of Christian babble or judgment - they are uplifting and life changing. Let me know what you think.

Blessings to you on this foggy,
Eeyore day. 


Love your advice! I've been thinking a lot lately about how Pinterest perfect can point us in the wrong direction. Thanks too for the links. I'm going to bake a bunch of cookies now, to decorate after the kids come in (it's finally in double digits so they can get out and enjoy the snow), but I'll check out Billy Graham tonight or tomorrow. Prayers for hope and joy for your family as you look to Christ's coming.

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