Late start

Sweet bliss, I got to stay in bed until 8 this morning! School is on a two hour delay, so the bus will be here at 9:10. The kids are arguing because Jaima took the last of the milk and left a half bowl of cereal on the table - I always run out of milk on snow days - lol - but I leave them to work it out themselves. Have a poptart son. And, Jaima, let's not be wasteful....I never say stuff like that because sometimes, I just don't fell like the parent. I could write a whole book on what it's like to become a parent at 18 1/2. How I've been a parent for 20 years and frankly, I'm tired of using the same old cliches. "Go to your room." "Clean up your plate." "Quit pinching your sister." "You'll shoot your eye out." blah blah blah. So, I sit back and observe, let them figure it out. Cody taught his sister a lesson on wastefulness - and had leftover pizza for breakfast. That's my boy!


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