of my wish list. I feel like I'm in Scotland - not that I've ever been there - but I've read about it heehee but, as I look out over the hills around our farm, I long to see the sunrise.

Yet, Sunday we will celebrate the greatest Son rise of all!

We are supposed to go pick up baby chicks in Hazelton today - 50 or 100, I can't remember. We will keep them at D's in his chicken house. My dogs would have a chicken feast if I kept them here. D also supplies me with eggs everyday. We go through a dozen eggs each morning and a 10lb box of bacon every week. Breakfast of champions! One of these days I'm going to cook a big pot of oatmeal and see what they will do. I bet I will be eating oatmeal by myself! Breakfast is my favorite meal to cook for the guys. They all sit around and plan their day, drink coffee and tease me. 

Jaima is on Easter break. They lost a few days because of snow days from this winter. She took off in the semi with her Daddy this morning to haul corn to the ethanol plant. We take a load in whenever we can because they are not always open or their hours are weird. Makes it hard to get corn delivered.

We ordered our wood flooring this week. Right now my house if tore up from the floor up lol.  I am hoping to have it installed by the end of May. Then we can rearrange the big room. I will have a space for home schooling Jaiden until she goes to kindergarten, and for Jaima this summer. John will reclaim the big office, and I will set up a study area for me. I also want to put my leather chairs in the library and have a reading area. Dreams...


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