
three of them. That's what Miss JaidenIlo got today. She fell out of the semi - Daddy caught her! - but she hit her head on the step. So, Daddy brought her to Mommy in town and we went to the ER. Four hours later we were home, eating french fries from Mickey D's and watching her beloved Teletubbies. What a little trooper she is - hopefully they can take the staples out next Friday when she gets tubes put in her ears. Yes, our "baby" girl might just begin talking after her surgery - at least that's what Dr. B is hoping for - get the fluid out of her ears and see what happens. I am really looking forward to hearing her speak. If she's anything like her sister and me she will never stop once she starts!

Jenni, Emma, Jaima and I went to the Nutcracker Ballet tonight! I love Tchaikovsky - and it was a dream come true to see it on stage - Jaima and I were "oohing and aaahing" - the magic of the snow and the Sugar Plum Fairies! It was a great Girls Night Out!

Cody went on his first college visit today. He really liked the campus and class sizes. He and two friends went and they think that is where they will go next fall. Sigh, it is time for me to let him go. But I know he is in Good hands.

Harvest is almost over! What a great fall it has been, yes, it took a little longer this year, but it has been a pretty much stress-free one!

I am really going to need this weekend to catch up on housework - and get ready for our Thanksgiving Extravaganza! That's what I am calling it - it's the annual Folkerts/Whites/tenHoeves feast! Two turkeys and a ham this year!


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