My girls
I left to go turn on the shower for Miss Jaima and I came back and she had fallen asleep on our bed! Daddy had to carry her to her room - no easy task! He carried her like a sack of feed!
Rain today - a little chilly - I want to get my big garden planted but haven't been able to - it needs plowed and tilled - so we will see. I have tomatoes, green beans, cukes and eggplant in my kitchen garden, right in front of the house - very convenient and the cows can't get to that one!
Jaima and I lined one of our flower beds with field rock tonight - I still have to go around 1/2 of the house - am waiting for the boys to bring me a load of rock. John brought some dirt to the north of the house so Jaima and I can plant a butterfly garden. We will line it with rock,place a big rock in the middle and plant lots of wildflowers! I will also paint a sign to welcome all to the farm. I also plan on finally hanging up our "slow down, farmkids at play" sign that I painted a long time ago - Daddy Don and I also talked about putting in a speed bump - we have a lot of visitors and deliveries each day and worry about the kids - some come flying in the driveway!
I just see I loaded the wrong video - but will leave this one and upload the next!