Choosing to stay home

That's right, it is a choice. Some call it a sacrifice. But what am I sacrificing really by staying home and being a mommy? A career? Shopping? A new car?

I hate seeing 20something mommies trying to juggle it all. I've been there. Single mom at 19. Going to college. Working three jobs. Living in substandard housing in the ghetto. Life back then was anything but sane. Plus, I was on the ever present quest to find Mr. Right and always ended up with Mr. Totally Wrong. Because there was something missing from the equation. G-O-D.

In my insane journey of putting motherhood on the back burner, my son was the one who sacrificed. We were always running late. Notes never got signed. Library books were lost. Dinner was drive-thru. Yes, Cody survived, even thrived, because I made a choice.

When The Farmer and I met and married, we decided that me staying home would be best for us all. He got three square meals a day and I got to learn how to be a mommy. Because it didn't come easy and there is no manual, because Dr. Spock was a man! After Jaima turned two I decided I was bored and went to town to get a job. Stupid. I spent all the money I made on gas, daycare, junk food and clothes. I think we had less when I worked in town. The house was a mess. My kids were a mess. My marriage was on the back burner. I worked for four years til JaidenIlo came along and I've been home ever since.

I always hear, "I would stay home but we need health insurance." or "You guys farm so it's easier for you." Hogwash. Just go without something or things. Do you need 250 TV channels? A $500/month car payment? I won't list more.

Goodwill is awesome. Aldis for groceries. Buy a side of beef and learn how to cook. Rent movies from the library. Drive a used car. Quit running. I guarantee that you being home during your child's growing up years will be satisfying. They love nothing more than seeing your face when they wake up, or get off of the bus each day. A hot meal, at the table, with the whole family present. Snuggles on a sick day. Collecting leaves together and singing off key.

That's my encouragement to you today. You can't be supermom, she doesn't exist, but you can make the difference in the life of a child.

Read Proverbs 31 or visit (I love this site and magazine!) whatever choice you make, just make sure your giving it your all!

Blessings to you this Friday...


Carolyn White said…
I just feel so bad for all of those moms who are living crazy lives when they don't have to!

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