Spring cleaning...and other stuff
The Big Cheese...in the semi
Ian and Jaiden on Easter Sunday
Daddy and his pretty girls, Easter
Awwww, John was so tired, he had hauled manure until 10:30 the night before.
I love this picture! Jaiden and I in the semi, hauling corn with John last week, we'll do anything to be able to spend time with Daddy!
No new pics of Cody, hmmm, where is that kid anyways? He's out doing chores with Jaclyn - she loves chores - reminds me of myself when I first came to the farm.
I have the basement 90% cleaned - we hadn't touched a thing down there since we moved upstairs (I think 3 years ago!). So, we hauled out a lot of unwanted stuff and furniture. John burned most of it today. I vacummed, scrubbed and cleaned. We now have a guest room ready downstairs for John's parents, who will arrive this coming Tuesday. They will be here for planting. A lot of field work is already being started. We are chisel plowing right now. Rock picking is next - a job that I do not enjoy doing, and avoid at all costs! However, I do demand that a load of rocks be brough tup to the house so I can continue my landscaping project.
The guest room will be open all spring/summer to any who want to visit...hmmm, a certain Auntie in Des Moines for sure has promised me some Hostas. HINT HINT
I went to Ladies Night at church last night with Julie and Danielle. It was a great time. Meeting new friends and building up the "old" ones. Tonight is prom night. We will go to the Grand March at the high school. Cody is not going because Jaclyn is a freshman and her parents wanted her to wait to go. We'll go get food at Joe's after that.
Looks like rain is on the way. It sure is dusty, so I am hoping for a light sprinkle. Any more than that and the farmer's start getting antsy about being able to get in the field. Seems like we are always praying for rain to come or hold off! HA, I just looked out the window and it IS raining! Maybe I will go outside barefoot and dance...