Cody's first concert
Cody is going to his first concert tonight down in Des Moines - Velvet Revolver! Of course, it's a school night - he asked if he could go over a month ago and we said yes without any hesitation. Why? Because this kid works so hard here on the farm - and has also been such a blessing to me in the house - he helps with the girls and does all of the chores I can't seem to motivate myself to do - he's my garbage man and dishwasher! :)
Jaima is home sick with a fever and cough -poor girl - we are all still fighting off whatever this is - it has been almost a month since we first got sick - the weather is beautiful today - 50 degrees - so I might just open a few windows!
John is hauling corn - this morning I made him explain to me about selling corn, etc. Stuff I never bothered to ask him before. I am trying to get back into the farm wife mode - I went out with Cody and bottle fed a calf - it felt so good to be outside, working and breathing fresh air! I can't wait for Jaiden to get a little bigger and the weather to get a little nicer so we can go outside and work! If the house was closer to the barn I might go out more - we'll see!