Lazy Saturday...peace at last!

It is so nice to unwind after the holidays - was glad to send the kids back to school this week! We had fog and a 2 hour delay their first day back - Cody went out and took this picture of our willow tree. God is an awesome artist!
Had a house full of teenagers again last night - my youth group kids love to come out here on Fridays and just hang out - also celebrated John's 39th birthday - too bad the brownies I made did not bake all the way - I called it hot fudge surprise! Cael and Emma, our niece and nephew, were here as well. We are going to my parent's tonight for bday dinner - John's favorite "chicken fried chicken" and fried pheasant. My Mom spoils all of us with a special dinner for our birthdays.
Jaiden is growing - already in 6 month clothes! Her legs are so long - and her hair still stands straight up! She is mostly sleeping all night much to my relief - I love sleep!
Jaima let Kiersten put French braids in her hair this morning - I can't believe she sat still that long!
Cael is here for the weekend - he and Cody and Jaima are outside playing in the snow - it's 35 degrees out - a regular heat wave!