My baby is growing!
Jaiden is getting so big! I think she has a double chin already!
I called the doctor this morning and talked to a nurse - she said that i should just keep doing what i have been doing with Jaiden - vaporizer, suctioning her nose, saline drops - and that since she has not run a fever, not to worry - my immunity should protect her. She seems to be better today - and has been more alert. She has even begun to make little baby noises and is starting to find her hands!
It is very windy today - there is dust blowing across the farm yard. Which means it is coming in the house - I have learned to dust when company is coming and that is it - because as soon as i have finished it is dusty again!
I find it so amazing, the love I have for my children - they are all so unique, and yet part of me! Cody watched Jaiden last night so I could run to Walmart. John said he came in the house and cody had her on his chest. He loves his sisters! We are really trying with Jaima - she has been a little naughty lately and I am really trying to be patient - she is so much like me it is unreal!