More Sunday night musings...a Sunday night routine

 I can tell the end of summer is near. The windows are so dirty that everything outside looks dingy. I can't clean them in the summer because we have to spray the house for flies. Farm livin.

The kids are in the tree house with blankets and pillows. Someone just yelled, "GO TAKE THAT JAR OF PEANUT BUTTER INSIDE!" I don't even want to know. 

Jaima, 14, went to the Homecoming dance last night. I didn't want to let her go. I know without a doubt that she is nothing like I was at 14, But I do know that boys are still the same. Her innocence makes me proud...and regretful at the same time. But the past is the past and I am who I am and praise God for that. He walked me right on up and out.

Now, here's another great planning tip for you as we work on our Homespun Faith and planning life together:

If you don't have a Sunday night plan, I have to tell you that if you would just take a few minutes tonight, your week will be amazingly better.

  • Check the calendar.
  • Check the forecast.
  • Check the fridge.
  • Get a basic menu plan and grocery list started.
  • If you are behind on laundry, grab one outfit for each person and wash one load for tomorrow.
  • Find everyone's shoes and backpacks. Notes, fees and library books.
  • Throw the kids in the tub. While they are bathing...
  • Pack lunches.
  • Find your purse, keys, work things, water bottle.
  • Pick your outfit for tomorrow.
  • Everyone go to bed early. This one night sleep is the most important to jump starting your week. Don't forget kisses and prayers and stories. 
This really doesn't take as long as you think. And really works for every night of the week. You just have to want to get control of the chaos.

Do you enjoy the craziness of Monday morning?

Love and sweet beginnings to your week,
Thee Farm Wife


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