
Closing out the day and starting the week. It's hard to shift gears.

There is still one more load of laundry to dry and put away. The kids are all in bed. I ate way too much for supper and am now reminding myself why we should have popcorn for dinner on Sunday nights.

Lunches are made. Outfits laid out. Shoes found. Backpacks packed. Check.

It wasn't always this easy to end our week this way. Usually it was a mad screaming dash to the finish line. And I hated every minute of it.

It took over 7 years (probably more) to get these routines established. We really try not to break them. People - well friends really - think we are crazy. But when you have four children, a farm and a marriage that is top priority you have to tend to all the things.

Bedtime. Quiet time. Loving time. Cooking and eating and dish washing and bathing and cleaning all.the.time.

This post was inspired by something I saw on a a Fakebook post. A younger friends said she hated Sundays because she had to clean all day.

Sundays are for church and family and resting. Sunday nights are time to prep for the week. Clean a little each day. Teach your kiddos to pick up after themselves. Rinse their dishes. Whatever it takes to have a peaceful Sunday. You will not believe the difference it makes when you climb into bed on Sunday evening and have this great sense of accomplishment and peace.

"For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy. Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe."  Proverbs 3:10-11

P.S. Does this happen every week? NO WAY! But it is my goal for our family. Try it, and let me know if you have any questions.

Love and peace,
Thee Farm Wife


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