Must be Spring...
because it's Horse Sale week in Waverly and the rain is coming! Every year it is the same! I hope to see green grass soon!
My princesses!
Watching Teletubbies! She only likes the Dancing video - and watches it over and over. She knows how to start the video and replay it when it is finished. Jaiden has also figured out how to ask for what she wants - either by pointing - asking and using a few words - or by reaching for my hand and leading me to what she wants!
The kids had the day off from school today. Cody stayed up all night playing video games. He practiced guitar with his friend Nate today. They will be performing in the school talent show. Cody is also learning songs to play with the praise band at church. The girls and I went to my friend Sue's for a two hour coffee visit this morning - Sue baked chocolate chip/oatmeal cookies. We had a lot of fun - and Sue knew I needed girl time!
Also had women's Bible study here at the farm this afternoon - we studied cursing and complaining - we added another member to our group and had a lot of fun and fellowship!
Kiki D is here tonight - we made homemade pizza - I love teaching her how to cook! Now, I am thinking it is pajama movie time - my girls better let me sleep in tomorrow!