Counting down the hours?

We had our ultrasound at 4pm - baby is GREAT! Verified she is indeed a she - counted all her fingers and toes - saw her sucking on her hands - blinking her eyes - kicking and kicking and kicking me - she might weigh 7lbs 6 oz - and is right on schedule - Dr. B sent me home to continue to count contractions - they are coming but not steady - and truthfully, i would much rather labor during the first part at home - i am a little scared, but i have my family! Mom Wagner is on standby to come when i call and Jim and Jenni are ready to come and get Jaima if needed - part of me hopes i can just sleep all night!

One good thing is i got john to take me out for chinese! Spicy chicken! and we took bumpy gravel roads all the way home - we hadn't been on a "date" in over 6 months -

Got home and i think jaima thought we had the baby in the car - it was too cute - showed her the ultrasound pictures and she got so excited -


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